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Trang chủ » 국민연금 영어로: 외국인 국민연금 신청법, 혹시 모르시나요? [클릭하세요]

국민연금 영어로: 외국인 국민연금 신청법, 혹시 모르시나요? [클릭하세요]

국민연금에 대해 영어로 말하기 (18년10월 방송)

국민연금 영어로

What is 국민연금 (National Pension Service)?

국민연금 (National Pension Service or NPS), is a national social welfare program that provides income security to the elderly, disabled, and surviving family members in Korea. The program is designed to support the financial needs of its beneficiaries and ensure they have access to basic needs for a comfortable living.

The National Pension Service was established in 1988 and currently covers about 90% of the Korean population. The program is operated by the National Pension Corporation, a government agency responsible for collecting and managing the National Pension Fund.

The National Pension Service plays an essential role in the social security system of Korea and is a significant pillar of the country’s welfare state. Its main mission is to provide financial security to Koreans in their retirement years.

Who Qualifies for National Pension Service?

All Korean residents are required to enroll in the National Pension Service, except for those who are self-employed, those employed by a foreign government, and those who receive a pension from their employer.

The following groups are eligible to enroll in the National Pension Service:

– Korean citizens from 18 to 59 years old who are employed, regardless of the type of work they are engaged in.
– Foreign residents with a valid Korean visa who are between 18 to 59 years old and are employed in Korea. Eligibility in the National Pension Service will be determined based on the duration of the work permit.

In general, enrolled members will be entitled to receive benefits from the program when they reach the retirement age, which is currently 60 years old for men and 57 years old for women.

What Benefits does National Pension Service Offer?

The National Pension Service provides various benefits to its beneficiaries, including:

– Basic pension: A monthly pension that is paid to retirees who have paid into the system for a certain number of years.
– Survivors’ pension: A monthly pension that is paid to surviving spouses or other family members of a deceased member.
– Disability pension: A monthly pension that is paid to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability.
– Lump-sum payment: A one-time payment provided to eligible members when they reach their retirement age.

How to Translate National Pension Service into English?

There is no exact translation for the term National Pension Service in English. However, the following terms are commonly used when referring to the Korean National Pension System:

– National Pension Scheme (NPS)
– Korean National Pension Service (KNPS)
– Korea Pension Service (KPS)

When using the term National Pension Service in English, it is essential to specify that it refers to the Korean program to avoid any confusion. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the spelling and capitalization of the term are consistent throughout the document.

What are the English Terms for National Pension Service-related Concepts?

To help improve your understanding of the Korean National Pension System, here are some common English terms used when referring to related concepts:

– 국민연금공단영어로 (National Pension Corporation): The government agency responsible for the management of the National Pension Fund.
– 퇴직연금영어로 (Retirement Pension): The basic pension paid to retirees who have paid into the National Pension System for a certain number of years.
– 공무원연금영어로 (Civil Servant Pension): A separate government-administered pension program available to eligible civil servants.
– 국민연금이란 (National Pension Service Definition): An explanation of the purpose and scope of the National Pension System.
– 국민연금안내는법 (National Pension Service Guide): A guide to help enroll in the National Pension System and understand its benefits.
– 국민연금수령나이 (National Pension Service Retirement Age): The age at which beneficiaries can begin receiving benefits from the National Pension System.
– 국민연금의무 (National Pension Service Obligation): The requirement for eligible individuals to enroll in the National Pension System.
– 국민연금안내도되나요국민연금영어로 (Can National Pension Service be Explained in English?): A question commonly asked by non-Korean speakers seeking information about the National Pension System.

Tips and Resources to Improve Your Understanding of NPS in English

If you are a non-Korean speaker seeking to learn more about the National Pension System, here are some tips and resources that can help you:

– Use online translation tools: Tools such as Google Translate can help translate Korean texts into English, making it easier to read and understand.
– Consult with English-speaking experts: Many retirement planning and investment professionals in Korea speak English and can provide guidance on the National Pension System.
– Utilize online resources: The National Pension Service has an English-language website that provides information on the program, including enrollment and benefit details. There are also mobile applications available for download in both Korean and English.
– Attend English-language seminars: Some organizations and government agencies in Korea offer seminars on retirement planning and investment planning in English, which can provide valuable information on the National Pension System.

National Pension System Globally

National pension systems exist in various countries worldwide, including Australia, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In many developed countries, national pension programs are essential components of the social security system, providing financial security to the general population.

The Korean National Pension System is similar to other national pension programs around the world, but there are some notable differences in terms of enrollment policies, benefit structures, and fund management.

Korea’s National Pension System as a Precedent

The Korean National Pension System has received international attention for its effectiveness and sustainability, with some foreign governments considering it as a model social welfare program.

The World Bank has recognized the Korean National Pension System as a success story and has encouraged other countries to learn from its best practices. Many experts credit the system’s financial stability and sustainability to its mandatory enrollment requirement, which helps ensure a broad base of contributors to the National Pension Fund.

National Pension System and Financial Management

The National Pension Fund’s financial resources are derived from the mandatory contributions of its beneficiaries, as well as other supplementary sources such as government subsidies, investment returns, and other financial transactions.

To ensure the long-term stability of the National Pension Fund, the government has adopted various measures to improve its financial management, such as diversifying its investment portfolio and increasing its transparency and accountability in fund management.

Future Development and Policy Response to National Pension System Issues

The National Pension System faces various challenges and issues, such as an aging population, changes in the labor market, insolvency, and insufficient benefits. The government has implemented various policy measures to address these concerns, such as increasing benefit levels, extending the range of eligible beneficiaries, and encouraging voluntary contributions.

To ensure the future viability of the National Pension System, the government will need to continue implementing appropriate policies and adjusting the program to reflect changes in the labor market, demographics, and the overall economy.


What is the 국민연금 (National Pension Service)?

The National Pension Service is a social welfare program designed to provide income security to the elderly, disabled, and surviving family members in Korea.

Who qualifies for the National Pension Service?

All Korean residents are required to enroll in the National Pension Service, except for those who are self-employed, those employed by a foreign government, or those who receive a pension from their employer.

What benefits does the National Pension Service offer?

The National Pension Service offers various benefits to its beneficiaries, including a basic pension, survivors’ pension, disability pension, and lump-sum payment.

How do I translate the National Pension Service into English?

There is no exact translation for the National Pension Service in English. However, commonly used terms include National Pension Scheme (NPS), Korean National Pension Service (KNPS), and Korea Pension Service (KPS).

What are some English terms related to the National Pension Service?

Some common English terms related to the National Pension Service include National Pension Corporation, Retirement Pension, Civil Servant Pension, National Pension Service Definition, National Pension Service Guide, National Pension Service Retirement Age, National Pension Service Obligation, and “Can National Pension Service be Explained in English?”

What are some tips for understanding the National Pension Service in English?

Some tips for understanding the National Pension Service in English include using online translation tools, consulting with English-speaking experts, utilizing online resources such as the National Pension Service’s English-language website, downloading mobile applications available in Korean and English, and attending English-language seminars.

How does the Korean National Pension System compare to similar programs worldwide?

The Korean National Pension System is similar to other national pension programs worldwide, but there are notable differences in terms of enrollment policies, benefit structures, and fund management.

What is the future outlook for the National Pension System in Korea?

The government has implemented various policy measures to address the National Pension System’s challenges and issues, such as increasing benefit levels, extending the range of eligible beneficiaries, and encouraging voluntary contributions. To ensure the program’s future viability, the government will need to continue implementing appropriate policies and adjusting the program to reflect changes in the labor market, demographics, and the overall economy.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 국민연금 영어로 국민연금공단 영어로, 퇴직연금 영어로, 공무원 연금 영어로, 국민연금이란, 국민연금 안내는법, 국민연금 수령나이, 국민연금 의무, 국민연금 안내도 되나요

Categories: Top 83 국민연금 영어로

국민연금에 대해 영어로 말하기 (18년10월 방송)

여기에서 자세히 보기:

국민연금공단 영어로

국민연금공단(국민연금)은 대한민국 정부가 운영하는 국민연금 보험사업을 진행하는 기관입니다. 국민연금은 국민들의 노후 생활을 도와주기 위해 만들어졌으며, 대한민국 내 거주 및 근무하는 사람들에게 의무적으로 가입되어 있습니다. 그리고 가입한 사람들에게 연금 및 장애인급여, 사망자급여 등의 다양한 보장을 제공합니다. 이번에는 국민연금공단을 영어로 소개해보겠습니다.


National Pension Service (NPS) is a government-run institution that engages in insurance for old age pension for Korean citizens. The NPS was established to support the living for the elderly in Korea, and is mandatory for all residents and employees living in Korea. It provides various forms of coverage, such as pensions, disability benefits, and death benefits, to enrolled members. This article will introduce the National Pension Service in English.


The NPS was first established in 1988 to promote income security during retirement in Korea. The government introduced mandatory participation in the NPS in 1999, making it compulsory for all Koreans who are aged between 18 and 60 years and employed to participate in the program. Additionally, self-employed individuals can enroll in the program on a voluntary basis. The NPS has been operating as one of the key pillars of social security since its establishment, helping Korean citizens to secure their financial future.


The National Pension Service is a type of pension that provides financial support to members who are enrolled in the program. Enrolled members have the right to receive pensions, disability benefits, death benefits, and basic old-age allowances. Pensions are paid out in monthly installments, and members receive a lump-sum payment in the event of eligibility for disability benefits. Death benefits are paid out to qualified heirs of the insured member, and the basic old-age allowance is paid out to eligible members as a supplement to their other sources of income. When a member reaches the age of 65, they become eligible for a retirement pension, which is calculated based on their individual contributions to the NPS.


As previously mentioned, the National Pension Service is mandatory for all residents and employees in Korea. When an individual is hired by an employer, they are automatically enrolled in the NPS. However, if they are self-employed, or if they are not covered by an employer-sponsored pension plan, they must enroll in the program directly by visiting any of the local NPS offices. A valid ID must be presented during enrollment, and members must also provide their resident registration number.


Members of the National Pension Service make contributions through payroll deductions or making direct payments to the NPS depending on their status. The monthly contribution rate is 9% of an individual’s gross income, with employers matching another 9%. Self-employed individuals are also required to make contributions, and the monthly rate is set according to their level of income.


Q: How much can I expect to receive from my pension, and how is it calculated?

A: The amount of a pension that you may receive depends on various factors such as the time period for which contributions were made and the average income earned during that period. The NPS calculates the amount of a pension using a complicated formula, which takes these factors into account.

Q: What should I do if I want to apply for disability benefits?

A: If you would like to apply for disability benefits, you must submit an application to the NPS. A disability medical examination is also required in order to determine if the member is eligible for benefits.

Q: Are my contributions to the National Pension Service tax-deductible?

A: Yes. The contributions that you make to the NPS are tax-deductible, meaning that the amount is reduced for tax purposes.

Q: Can I receive my pension while I am living outside of Korea?

A: Yes. Members who are living outside of Korea are still eligible to receive pensions from the National Pension Service. However, certain conditions may apply regarding eligibility and payments.

Q: Can I withdraw or cancel my contributions?

A: It is not possible to withdraw or cancel your contributions to the NPS. Members must remain enrolled in the program until they reach the age of 60, or qualify for receiving their pension.


The National Pension Service provides retirement security and peace of mind to millions of Korean citizens and is an integral part of social security in Korea. With mandatory contributions and extensive benefits, the NPS serves as the first line of defense against poverty in old age. By helping to provide a reliable income stream for its members, the NPS contributes to the well-being of Korean society as a whole. To learn more about the National Pension Service, visit

퇴직연금 영어로

With globalization and internationalization becoming prominent in recent times, the necessity to learn English has increased. In Korea, many people are beginning to learn English for various reasons, including employment, travel, and education. One common area of English that people tend to struggle with is financial terms. In this article, we will focus on a specific financial term that many Koreans may not be familiar with; the retirement pension system, or 퇴직연금 in Korean, and its English equivalent.

What is 퇴직연금?

In Korea, 퇴직연금 or retirement pension system is a form of financial security set up to provide income for retirees. Generally, the employer or employee contributes a portion of money to a fund that is invested to accrue interest and grow the pension fund. Once the employee has reached retirement age, they can then withdraw from the account or be provided with a periodic retirement payment. It is essential to note that the retirement pension system in Korea is mandatory for companies with more than five employees.

The retirement pension system has its roots in the United States and was primarily introduced to provide a sustainable income for people after they retire. In the US, retirement pensions are normally referred to as ‘401(k) accounts,’ which have grown in popularity over the years.

What are the benefits of Retirement Pension?

The retirement pension system provides sufficient retirement income for individuals after retirement. The benefit of a retirement pension is that it provides a stable income stream, ensuring a fulfilling lifestyle with financial security after retirement.

Another benefit is the tax advantage. In Korea, the contributions towards retirement pensions are typically tax-deductible- the employer and employee can reduce their taxes by contributing towards the pension system. Additionally, there are no taxes owed on the contributions or the Accrued payments until withdrawn during retirement.

What Types of Retirement Pension System Are There?

There are two kinds of retirement pension systems: Defined-Contribution and Defined-Benefit. The Defined-Contribution plan is where the employer and employee deposit a portion of their income into a pension account. The money is then invested, and the rate of return will determine the ultimate retirement benefits. On the other hand, the Defined-Benefit plan is where the employer guarantees a fixed retirement benefit, setting a specific balance or payout amount regardless of whether the investments accrued enough earnings.

What is the Difference Between a Pension and a Social Security?

Retirement pensions and social security are similar in nature; both are geared towards ensuring a steady income stream for individuals after retirement. The difference between the two lies in the contribution and payment processes.

Social Security is a government-run program for retired workers and their families and generally offers a flat monthly payment to eligible contributors. Additionally, Social security offers other support services such as disability benefits, survivor benefits and Medicare. Pensions, on the other hand, are privately funded through employee and employer contributions, and unlike Social Security, the employer is responsible for managing the accounts and paying out the accumulated funds.

What is an Annuity?

An annuity, on the other hand, is a contract between a person and an insurance company that provides a guaranteed stream of income for a specific duration or for the recipient’s lifetime. An annuity is primarily used as an investment tool and provides some level of insurance to an individual’s finances in later life. To this end, people can purchase an annuity to supplement their retirement income.

How can I enroll in the Retirement Pension System?

Participating in the retirement pension system in Korea is mandatory for all companies with employees, so there is no need for individuals to enroll themselves. Instead, the employer is responsible for registering all employees into the pension system, paying contributions, and attending to the entire administration surrounding the pension system.

FAQs about Retirement Pension

Do all Korean companies have to offer Retirement Pensions?

No, only private companies with more than five employees need to offer the retirement pension plan. Public servants, soldiers, and sailors in specific organizations receive a separate pension benefit. Foreign individuals working in Korea will not have access to Korean retirement plans, but they may be able to contribute to their respective countries’ retirement plans.

What happens if I leave my job before retirement?

When an employee leaves their job, they stop making contributions towards the retirement pension, and the dividends accrued up until that point are left in the fund until retirement when the employee can access it. In the event that an employee leaves their job, they can also opt to transfer their accrued funds to a different pension account, dependent on certain criteria.

In conclusion, the retirement pension system plays an important role in securing financial stability for individuals during their later life, and it is essential to understand the basic concepts surrounding the system. While English may pose a challenge to some, understanding financial terminology is critical to making informed decisions regarding your future financial outlook.

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국민연금에 대해 영어로 말하기 (18년10월 방송)
국민연금에 대해 영어로 말하기 (18년10월 방송)

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일 잘하는 당신의 파트너, 자소설닷컴 | 대기업, 공기업 채용 플랫폼
원하는 사람만 냅시다”…Mz 세대 '국민연금 불신' 왜?
원하는 사람만 냅시다”…Mz 세대 ‘국민연금 불신’ 왜?
팩트체크K] 2055년 국민연금 고갈되면, 한 푼도 못 받게 되나?
팩트체크K] 2055년 국민연금 고갈되면, 한 푼도 못 받게 되나?
만 65세 혜택 - 국민연금증 카드 혜택(버스비 지원, Ktx추가할인, 공항라운지 무료 등) #Shorts - Youtube
만 65세 혜택 – 국민연금증 카드 혜택(버스비 지원, Ktx추가할인, 공항라운지 무료 등) #Shorts – Youtube
국민연금 전자도서관
국민연금 전자도서관
팩트체크K] 2055년 국민연금 고갈되면, 한 푼도 못 받게 되나?
팩트체크K] 2055년 국민연금 고갈되면, 한 푼도 못 받게 되나?
90년생 0원
90년생 0원” 경고등 켜져도…눈치 보는 국회에 연금개혁 ‘공회전’ – 머니투데이
연금'은 영어로 무엇일까요? - Youtube
연금’은 영어로 무엇일까요? – Youtube
국민연금 향한 Oecd의 경고…“가능한 빨리, 더 많이 내야”
국민연금 향한 Oecd의 경고…“가능한 빨리, 더 많이 내야”
김성주의 국민연금 대전환
김성주의 국민연금 대전환 “낸 만큼 받고, 기초연금 50만원” | 중앙일보
App Store에서 제공하는 내 곁에 국민연금
App Store에서 제공하는 내 곁에 국민연금
국민연금, '어촌마을 자치연금' 1호 신호탄 쏜다
국민연금, ‘어촌마을 자치연금’ 1호 신호탄 쏜다
국민연금 100만원 👉 3억원의 가치》 이런 투자상품 없음. 꼭 필요 @Knoutube 노후 | 연금 | 방송통신대 | 은퇴 |  방송대 | 교양강의 실버아이돌 - Youtube
국민연금 100만원 👉 3억원의 가치》 이런 투자상품 없음. 꼭 필요 @Knoutube 노후 | 연금 | 방송통신대 | 은퇴 | 방송대 | 교양강의 실버아이돌 – Youtube
국민연금 전자도서관
국민연금 전자도서관
연금 1200만원 넘으면 세금 폭탄! 국민연금도 포함되나요? - Youtube
연금 1200만원 넘으면 세금 폭탄! 국민연금도 포함되나요? – Youtube
국민연금 전자도서관
국민연금 전자도서관
App Store에서 제공하는 내 곁에 국민연금
App Store에서 제공하는 내 곁에 국민연금
속보]2024년기초연금40만원 전부지급!!부부감액폐지!!국민연금연계감액폐지!!정답은 나왔다!정부 국회선택은? 총선전  지급할까?]#3.1경제독립Tv - Youtube
속보]2024년기초연금40만원 전부지급!!부부감액폐지!!국민연금연계감액폐지!!정답은 나왔다!정부 국회선택은? 총선전 지급할까?]#3.1경제독립Tv – Youtube
이혼 후 국민연금은 나눠야 하는데 공무원연금은 분할 못 받아 논란
이혼 후 국민연금은 나눠야 하는데 공무원연금은 분할 못 받아 논란
국민연금 가입증명서 발급 2가지 방법
국민연금 가입증명서 발급 2가지 방법
8-1.소득이 254만원을 초과하면 국민연금 수령액이 최대 50% 감액된다. (노령연금)(국민연금 수령액을 높이는 방법)(국민연금을  많이 받으려면) - Youtube
8-1.소득이 254만원을 초과하면 국민연금 수령액이 최대 50% 감액된다. (노령연금)(국민연금 수령액을 높이는 방법)(국민연금을 많이 받으려면) – Youtube
국민연금에 대해 영어로 말하기 (18년10월 방송) - Youtube
국민연금에 대해 영어로 말하기 (18년10월 방송) – Youtube
90년생 0원
90년생 0원” 경고등 켜져도…눈치 보는 국회에 연금개혁 ‘공회전’ – 머니투데이
범구로 52 영문 도로명 주소 | 도로명 주소 영어로
범구로 52 영문 도로명 주소 | 도로명 주소 영어로
중심상가로 161 영문 도로명 주소 | 도로명 주소 영어로
중심상가로 161 영문 도로명 주소 | 도로명 주소 영어로

Article link: 국민연금 영어로.

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